Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Weird Things about Austrians...

1. They must going shopping at least 5-7 times a week because they only check out with like 3 items at the grocery store.

2. They never say excuse me - even if they basically run you over. If you are in their way, then it's just too bad because they will do anything to get to it/what they want.

3. I feel like the kids never have school. They are always around the city doing what that want at like 11 in the morning or just randomly at any time. They also go everywhere on their own. Yep...5 years old just riding the bus and doing what they want. Independence is a virtue.

4. Some people feel the need to use Razor scooters as a means of transportation. I'm talking like I've seen 50 year old women.

5. No matter how "hot" it might be they always have on a coat. 80 degrees = not cold.

6. Bikes have power over people here. You hear a bell ding - you better get over!

As for now that is all that I can think of even though are way more weird things out there. :)

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