Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mozart Dinner Concert...

So before I start this just in case people only look at dates - I published the Barcelona post today (even though it says May 4th). Enjoy!

On Wednesday the 7th, we had a Mozart Dinner Concert with our entire group. It was kind of like a last dinner type thing where everyone gets dressed up, we eat in the oldest restaurant in Central Europe (started in 803), eat a 3 course meal, hear Mozart's music, and talk with your friends. Literally...what more could you ask for.

It was really an amazing night, but just another reminder that we are about to leave. It seemed so far away in May and then it just sprang up on us! But everything went well and we had a lot of fun - hopefully we did for the 50 Euro it cost...haha (Thank goodness AIFS set it up - even though it is still our money) :)

Caitlin and me in the room before we are about to leave!

Caitlin, Macy, and I - look at the waiter trying to get by as I am taking this...oops

The inside of the dining room

Our table at the dinner

Leah and I

The main course - chicken, vegetables, and some type of biscuit

The dessert - look at the cinnamon - it's Mozart! haha
I'll try and post a video of a part of the concert - it has been messing up all day when I've been trying to do it. Boo.

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