The stein
One side of the tent at noon - not very crowded at all
The other side with the band
HAHA. So long story short, Joe wanted to order a whole fish and thought it was only like 6 Euros, turns out when they bring it to him its almost 15 euros. He was don't want it then. Him and the like 50 year old waitress start yelling in German back and forth (thank goodness he speaks German) and he's like I can't pay for it, I don't want it, take it back. She's saying that it's going to come from her own paycheck and get his friends to pay for it, blah blah. He finally goes to talk to the chef guy and then we see him walking back....without the fish. HAH. Everyone at our table just busts out in applause. He said he's never seen 4 German men so mad....haha. But anyways, good story.
We then wanted to go ride rides, so we had a blast from the past and rode the slides!!
We were are gearing up for this ride
Ok. So KC was taking pictures in the air while this thing was going around in flips and I was just cracking up the entire time. What a shot...I know.
After a few rides, some chocolate covered strawberries, and corn, we went back to the tent to hang out for a while. It was slowly getting more crowded as the day went on.
Caitlin finally showed up!
Look at the amount of people now!
So here is when it started getting so crazy - you can see that whole crowd on the right is standing up on the benches. Everyone was singing all these songs and just getting louder. haha. It started getting really smoky and pretty hot in there too. Our train was leaving at 10, so we left and made it just in time! I wish that I could have stayed a little longer, but the aisles were packed and people were everywhere so that was our cue. I can't even imagine what Oktoberfest is like :)
Here is a video to give you a little idea:
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