This is the Glockenspeil that rings its bells at 11/12 everyday for a while then little characters spin around "fighting" each other and finally at the end the rooster crows. It's pretty amazing and everyone was just stopped staring up at it playing.
This is me outside a really beautiful church
Just a really cool building in Munich - I can't remember all the info that we get on these tours
So after the at least 2 hour tour, we were so hungry and hadn't eaten since before we left on the train. We heard from the other half of the group that they ate at Hofbrauhaus the night before and it was really good. It's a hugeeee German restuarant that is 2 stories with liter pints and authentic food. So we headed over there to get some grub. There was an um-pah (haha) band playing and we walked around for like at least 15 minutes trying to get a table. It was packed. Finally we randomly selected something off the German menu and ordered. By the time we got our food we basically just ate in silence because we were so hungry. ha. We then visited the gift shop and tried to figure out what to do next.
Caitlin, Emily and Natalie outside the restaurant
My food from the restaurant
We didn't really know where to go so just started walking in the direction we thought this big outdoor market was and imagine that....we found it! Everyone was selling fruits, vegetables, sauces, ice cream, cookies, basically anything food wise you can think of! We got a cone of ice cream and then just strolled around the city.
Here is some of the dried fruit we also purchased!
It was nice to explore and walk around. We had looked in the "Let's Go Europe" book and found this place that had 32 kinds of hot chocolate so we wanted to try that out! Searching on the map again, we walked in that direction and found it outside all the tourists areas around 20 mins away. It was a pretty cool local coffee shop and I got banana hot chocolate...YUM!
The hot chocolate place
The group of us that was walking around. We put the timer on my camera standing on a rail....pretty good job/looking group if I do say so myself!
Walking toward the train station we stopped and were listening to this band made up of an accordion, violin, bass, and cello. There isn't even a word to describe how awesome they were. I love music and they were absolutely wonderful - they sold around 15 cds in the 45 minutes we were standing there (not including all the money thrown in their case). Clayton bought one and I'm actually listening to it as we speak. It was so relaxing and great way to end the trip to Munich.
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