So we took the 8 hour ferry back to Piraeus - the port by Athens, then take a taxi to the hotel - its really late when we get there. I think it was around 1am - one of the reasons why we were late getting in is that the ferry has to stop at probably 5 ports on the way back in. At one of the ports we see a band waiting to greet someone off the ferry. We start to look closer there are a lot of Greek Orthodox people dressed up and down there waiting. There are also police holding people back. Finally we see/and hear the reason why. The leader of that particular island had died and they were bringing him back to the island he ruled. We were standing looking down and they have his casket open and we see him lying in it with his head bobbing around. It was one of the weirdest/interesting things by far that had happened on the trip.
Anyways!!! We just take showers and pass out from exhaustion again. Literally we are at around 15 days gone from Salzburg now and it's starting to wear us out. The next morning we wake up to go see the Acropolis (high point of the city) that has the Parthenon on top. We kind of wander our way that way stopping at a place called Crepes of the World that was also great!
Bright and colorful as well as delicious!
What was really cool is that we got into the Acropolis area for free! :) Once we got to the top we really wanted to take some jumping pictures again. It literally was a perfect background to do it. We start taking some with all of our cameras - suddenly we hear a LOUD whistle and looked around. Yep...they are doing it to us... Whoops? So we just keep walking and go behind this area so the guard couldn't see us. We kind of still didn't know what we were doing wrong, what's the harm in jumping and getting a picture? Well obviously it wasn't allowed. The man didn't see us, but then saw Caitlin doing a handstand and grabbed Clayton's camera. He made him delete like half of his pictures. Oh well at least we had backups!! :)
HAHA. Caitlin's handstand
Basically we should be in a Gap commercial!
Macy and I posing on top of the city!
Another Greek theater
Me and the Parth.
So we still explored around all the Greek ruins and that was pretty cool as well! We wanted to try this place in Caitlin's book (which honestly has led us to some awesome places) and it was authentic Greek food (as if we hadn't had enough...haha). So we walk there and realize that no one really speaks we just sit down and order drinks (coke..aka coke). Then we are waiting on menus, no one comes, so we realize we are just supposed to go up to this window and look at the food then order. He is telling us what most of the stuff is in Greek (or a few words in English - clams - I know I dont want that) and I get the chicken in tomato sauce with broccoli. The chicken literally fell off the bone it was so tender and moist. YUMO (in the words of Rachel Ray).
My dinner
So we went back to the hostel after making a little stop for gelato and asked the manager when the hostel bar would open. haha. Apparently it's supposed to be open every night, but it wasn't so the only reason they opened it was because we asked. This guy was the bartender, manager, owner, I think everything. Once again being Greek he was super friendly and invited us to play cards with him. It was a great time and finally we got tired enough, walked up a flight of stairs, and went to bed.
The next day was finally our last day and we checked out and took a taxi to the airport. The funny part was that our taxi had screens in the backs of the seats, 2 screens for him to have in the front, and woofers in the back. I was thinking...I hope this doesn't cost more because of the entertainment we are getting here. First he had on a DVD of Robbie Williams but changed it later to Madonna. WOW if I never realized she was gross before, now I do....
Nothing else too exciting happened, took the flight to Vienna then a train back to Salzburg. By then I had had the best vacation in the world but was ready for my home again. I didn't say it the entire trip, even though I was thinking it, but I am so thankful that everything worked out perfectly (transportation, safety, and board).
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