Saturday, January 26, 2008

So close...

So my birthday is officially in 3 days and I'm heading to Austin for all the festivities on 6th street, drinking some margs at Baby A's and getting to see my friends one last time before I leave. I think that after that it will really start to set in that I will be gone from them. I know I will make new friends and have the time of my life, but I will still be missing the ones from home. That's the challenge right?

But I already have "homework" for my classes in Salzburg. I have to do this research on the country and write things down in a little journal that they made for us. It's nothing too hard, but will take some time....and obviously I haven't started it yet. I'll get to it after I get back from Austin.

AND also when I get back, I'm going out with my aunt one night and also the rest of my family (dad, sis, aunt, cousins, granny) for dinner and drinks too. I might go out with Jenn too, so basically what it boils down to is a whole drunken week...or more. NICE.

Monday, January 14, 2008


So everyone is heading back to school today....but I'm not. It's a little weird and at the same time I guess - awesome. I'm still working away at Hastings makin' the $$$. I'm going to miss everyone a lot this semester but then again I have to think of the experience of a lifetime waiting for me in EUROPE!!!! :)

Good luck to everyone this semester!!

p.s. I just kinda realized that I have to take classes while I'm over there. haha. That's the funny thing.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A Month Until Departure

So I created this (got the idea from Alexis - I loved reading about her time in Italy) in hopes of keeping everyone back in the states informed of my time abroad. I will be leaving February 7th and returning May 29th. 4 months. WOW. I can't believe that I already leave in a month. It still doesn't feel real. I keep thinking that I will just go back to Austin for school, BUT I won't be. I'm just working for now until I leave to try to earn some money for my trip - We all know how expensive it gets.

To do list:
1. Get scholarship money

2. Get another loan

3. Buy some jeans and a jacket - obviously I'm going to need one since it'll be anywhere from 10- 50 degrees. Some skiing will take place :)

4. Figure out how I'm going to get/use money (credit card, traveler's checks, etc)

5. Think about what to pack

6. PACK - haha

I'm sure there is a lot more to do, but for now that's all I can think of to write.